Hair Porosity
What is hair porosity?
Hair porosity refers to your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. It’s determined by the condition of the hair cuticle, which is the outer layer of the hair shaft. There are three main levels of porosity:
Low Porosity: Hair cuticles are tightly packed, making it difficult for moisture to enter. This type often resists water and products, requiring heat or more intensive treatments to help with absorption.
Medium/Normal Porosity: Hair cuticles are in good condition and allow moisture to enter and exit as needed. This type typically requires regular care and can hold styles well.
High Porosity: Hair cuticles are more loosely packed or damaged, leading to quick absorption of moisture but also a tendency to lose it just as quickly. This type often benefits from heavier creams and oils to help seal in moisture.
Understanding your hair porosity can help you choose the right products and routines for optimal hair health! It is also possible for different areas of your head to contain different levels of porosity.
How can I figure out the porosity of my hair?
You can determine your hair porosity levels through a few simple methods:
Water Test
- Take a clean strand of hair (preferably from your brush or comb).
- Fill a glass with water and place the hair strand in it.
- Observe:
- If it floats on the surface, you likely have low porosity.
- If it sinks slowly, you have normal porosity.
- If it sinks quickly, you have high porosity.
Spray Test
- Spray a small section of your hair with water.
- Observe how quickly it absorbs:
- If the water beads up on the surface, you have low porosity.
- If it absorbs within a few seconds, you have normal porosity.
- If it absorbs immediately, you have high porosity.
Still not sure? Here are some common characteristics of Low vs. High Porosity Hair.
Dries quickly out of the shower | Dries slowly out of the shower |
Prone to frizz and dryness | Minimal frizz and retains moisture |
Prone to breakage and damage | Doesn't easily get damaged |
Absorbs product quickly | Absorbs product slowly (sits on hair) |
Based on your porosity, here are some product types and styling tips that will suit your hair needs best!
Does well with high protein products | Best with no/low protein products |
Prefers heavy/thick products Pro Tip: Use heavy creams and oils to seal in moisture |
Prefers lightweight products |
Best with no/low heat |
Can withstand higher heat Pro Tip: Heat can help it absorb moisture |
Needs lots of moisture and conditioning | Needs less product when styling to avoid product build-up |
If you find that your hair porosity falls in the middle of these two sides, you most likely have Medium/Normal Porosity hair. You can use a mix of products to suit your needs and can be a little more relaxed when styling. Regardless of your porosity level(s), make sure to have fun when styling! You are often born with your porosity level (unless your hair is damaged) and it should be loved just as it is. 😊
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat any health conditions. Medical advice should always come from your physician or a trained professional.